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The Ben Mollin Project

I am a completely different person today than I was two months ago when I started working with Ben.

A few years ago I worked in a recovery ministry with my church. I attended recovery meetings as a person struggling with codependency and what they call a "adult child of alcoholics", just to give you a little backstory. In doing that I worked the 12 steps of recovery and when I was finished I put together my testimony of tragedy and triumphs. Then

I was asked to visit a different church meeting to read my personal testimony to a group of about 50 strangers. Apparently my story was something that the leadership found valuable enough to share and for that I was honored and felt that it was my duty to do so. This was the most vulnerable thing I have ever done. I was sharing the darkest parts of my life but also the biggest triumphs. I can remember smoking probably 4 cigarettes on my way to the church.. yea to the church. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Being vulnerable comes with a fear of judgement yet also has me walking away feeling courageous and bold. It's a very rewarding experience in the end and I knew at that time, my story needed to be shared.

I'm not real big on being the center of attention so public speaking was never on my radar until I knew I wanted become an educator in the beauty industry. I've had some minor experience with speaking on video for soci

al media for my salon because I know that we live in a time when that is what people want to see and it's how you push your business forward nowadays. I always seem to be the face willing to go in front of the camera and I've always been okay with that because I'm usually announcing a winner or sharing about an upcoming promotion. I think I’ve just become comfortable with being a weirdo and I’ve lost my give a what! I knew that teaching would be different...

In 2020 was supposed to go to Atlanta to be trained on how to become an effective educator for a brand. After the training was cancelled with no reschedule date I grew anxious in the waiting season. I finally asked myself; why do you have to wait? There has to be SOMETHING you can do in the mean time. I reached out to a respected mentor and educator and asked her for advice. She told me before she ever went to any educator training she worked with this guy named Ben and he taught her how to present effectively and more specifically, he was a hairstylist, industry icon, and this is what he does. He teaches hairstylists how to speak publicly and build their confidence in doing so by way of his coaching program: The Ben Mollin Project. I knew that's where I needed to start.

You'll always have a hard time building anything if you don't have a foundation before you begin. I needed a solid foundation. Ben gave me that. He didn't just teach me how to speak or present to a crowd. He showed me how to find my own confidence so that I'm not chain smoking before walking into a crowd. I learned how to embrace my vulnerability and use it as my driving force. I can honestly tell you that after working with him through his program I am a better me. I am more confident than I've ever felt and for someone who has lived their life being haunted by the "I'm not good enough"s" that is a HUGE win!

My training was finally rescheduled to this fall but that still doesn't mean I'm going to wait to turn the page in this next chapter of my career. I'm passionate about what goes on when you're not behind the chair and breaking the stigma for young people that aspire to become "just a hairstylist". I'm going to start working with hairstylists that are stuck and need a strategy to bring life into their business before they throw in the towel.

If you are the burnt out, struggling hairstylist, ready to change career paths because it just isn't working, I'm here for you. Don't give up before the miracle happens my friend. Send me an email, a DM, whatever, let's chat.

All my love.


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